상업생산용 발효기 

Biotron SP(Plant)


제품번호 : YS-575

In situ sterilizable pilot scale fermentor ; for bio reaction or bio response such as microbial fermentation, conversion and enzyme bioconversion.

Applicable to the special culturing processes such as tissue culture, animal cell culture and insect cell culture with the attachment of additional devices.

The sterilization in place procedure done automatically by using the external steam supply and conveniently changeable of the parameters and sequences on the basis of user’s experience or designated data.


ntelligent 17" wide touch screen fermentation controller

High density fermentation : DO-stat, pH-stat, Exponential feeding, etc

Remote control by PC software Data Logging system

Automatic flow control : mass flow controller and data logging system

User’s programmable sterilization process program : user password, valve step, sterilization time, pressure and temperature

Reliable operation due to the automatic controllers

Intelligent self diagnostic system to maintain fermentation process from start to the end : Diagnostic, Setup, Dead Band, Offset, Warning, Feeding condition

IQ/OQ documentation compliant to cGMP level



PC Monitoring Software

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